OpenStack® is a cloud framework written in Python that is used to build a cloud platform similar to the popular cloud platforms like Amazon, Rackspace, etc. OpenStack was founded by Rackspace and NASA and later joined by several big companies, all contributing to the project. OpenStack® makes it easy to run distributed computing jobs and create virtual resources.
Introduction to Linux
Linux admin commands
Introduction to Cloud Comparison with Amazon AWS and RackSpace cloud
Other Cloud frameworks
Introduction to OpenStack and its components
Virtualization techniques
What is nova
Supported hypervisors
Xen, LXC, KVM, Qemu, VMWare
Architecture & features
Control Flow
Building a Platform as a Service using Docker/LXC?
What is Glance
Supported image formats
Creating, uploading and using an image
Architecture & features
Control flow
What is Cinder
What is Swift
Object storage properties
Object security, permissions and metadata
Architecture & components
Control flowBuilding a Content Delivery Network
What is Neutron
Architecture & features
Control flow
Creating VPN
Open vSwitch
Cloud security groups
Instance access (SSH Keys)
Virtual private clouds
Users, Roles, Groups, Domains, Projects
What is Horizon
Architecture & features
Control flow
Message serverRabbitMQ and Qpid
Databases Mysql and sqlite