Whether you want to learn to use an iPhone or iPad, build an iOS app, or incorporate the iPad in the classroom, our video tutorials can help you confidently use iOS, the operating system for Apple mobile devices.
Mac versions –Features
iOS versions -Features
Introduction to Xcode tool and Compilers
Creating Objective C classes and Methods
Creating Properties and methods
OOPS in Objective C
Inheritance ,Polymorphism,Dynamic Typing ,Dynamic Binding
Categories and protocols
Application Lifecycle
Xib,StoryBoard and Interface builder
Creating and building simple applications
UIState Preservation
View application sandbox and CrashLogs of Application
What is MVC ?
Model ,View and Controller Classes
Delegate and Datasource
Singleton Pattern
Observer pattern
Cocoa coding standards
Introduction (alloc init,retain Release )
Auto release pool
Migrating your application to ARC
Basic Interaction with UIControls
switch,slider,progress bar
Alerts ∧ Action sheet
Scrollview, Web view,maps
Picker,Date picker,Imageview, Image picker controller
Gestures , Mouse events
Mail,Message,Phone call
The iPhone Accelerometer
Detecting shakes
Determining orientation
Responding to the accelerometer
Working with multiple TableViews
TableView practices
CustomCell creation.
view to view (Present model view controller )
Navigation controller
Tabbar controller
Pageview controller
Split view controller
UIKit and view lifeCycle
Draw lines and transforms.
Alphe ,Opaque ,hidden
Create PDF fiels
Merge Images
SplashView and Basic animation
Adding Views with animation
Introduction to MapKit Framework
Showing a simple Map
Update User Location
Background location updates of user .
Asynchronous and synchronous request
Soap service
Rest service
Xml and JSON Parsing
KeyValue coding and Nested JSON objects
Error handling
Lazy loading
NSThread and management of multiple threads
Synchronous and Asynchronous
Introduction to NSTimers
GCD in iOS
NSOperation and NSOperationQueue
User Defaults
Core Data
AVAudio player
MPMovie player
Local notifications
App level Notifications
Push Notifications
Google +
Debugging application in device.
iOS5,iOS6,iOS7 features and differences
App store Submission